Colleen M Nickerson
Colleen M Nickerson,63, of Tom Miner Creek Road south of Livingston, died at Livingston Memorial Hospital Sunday evening
Sept 19 2010.THere will a visitation and viewing at the family home Thursday Sept 23. Cremation will take place at Franzen
Davis Crematory in Livingston following the visitation. Arrangements are under the direction of Franzen Davis Funeral Home.
She was born Jan. 19 1947 in Logan, the daughter of John and Eva(Cole) Kelley. She spent her early life and attended
schools in Great FAlls and Cut Bank, and in Vallejo Ca graduating from high school there in 1966. On June 12 19 65 she married
John A Nickerson in Vallejo. THey lived at various locations including Vallejo and Vacaville Ca, Maine and the Philippines
before moving to Tom Miner in 2002. She was a devoted wife of 45 years and a full time mother and grandmoter, working hard
to help support her family.
Colleen loved her family and enjoyed crocheting.
Survivors include her husband John Nickerson; son Andrew Nickerson and daughter Limberly (Lee) Harmon, all of TOm Miner;
son Virgil Nickerson of Kingsport TN; five grandchildren, Hannah Nickerson, James Harmon, Johnathon Harmon, John Nickerson,
and Lane Nickerson; two brothers and one sister. She was preceded in death by her parents.
Gene Vcotr Benson, 91 of Livingston, died at Caslen Living Center Sunday evening, May 22, 2011. Crematio has taken place
at Franzen-Davis Crmatory and no services are planned at this time.
He was born APril 25, 1920 in New York City, the son of Raymond and Ann Benson. He spent his early life in New York and
later received a degree in animal husbandry. InWorld war II. FIrstLieutenant Benson served in the 15th Army Air Force. He
was stationed in Cherignola, Italy. He flew with the 740th Squadron as lead bombardier for the 455th Bomb Group. He
survived 49 missions into the heart of Germany and occupied Europe. Gene was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation and the
Mediterranean Theater of Operations medl with three battle stars. He was also awarded the Air Medal with threeaok clusters
and the Distinguished Flying Cross. Following his honorable discharge he returned to the United States and in 1946 married
Jeanne Calfree in Van Buren Ark. THey lived in Tulsa O where their son Wictor was born in 1949. Gene worked as a regional
manager for the Popsicle Co. for 25 years before starting his business , National Ice Cream Enterprises (NICE) in 1971. He
was affectionately known as the "NICE" guy.
During those years, Gene and his wife visited Livingston and Park County often on fishing excursions. They loved the
area, s after selling his business in 1985 they moved to Livingston. Jeanne died in 1992. Gene remained in Livingston moving
into Caslen LivingCenter in 2007. Gene was a proud resident of Montana and felt Livingston was the greatest place on Earth.
He was a lifelong fly fisherman and was a member of the Federation of Fly Fishers.
Survivors include his son Vic Benson of Pasadena ca and a niece Nina Woodrson of Sonoma Ca. Please mke any memorial donations
to Trout Unlimited in Livingston.
Margaret Ann Sammick, 92, died June 6, 2011 of cardiac problems in Cooney Convalescent Home in Helena where she has resided
for almost four years. She was born on Nov. 4, 1918 i Livingston, where she described a very happy childhood. Her work experiences
took her to many other states but she chose Helena as home for the past 37 years.
When she retired from the nursing facility at Carroll College in 1981, she had spent more than 40 years as a registered
nurse, specializing in psychiatric nursing as a teacher/aministrator. In 1941 she received abachelor of science degree from
St. Mary College in Leavenworth Ks, took the graduate courses at the Institute of Living in Hartford Ct in 1961 and earned
a master's degree in psychiatric nursing from the University of Colorado in Denve.
After teaching at hospital schools of nursing in Galveston. Texas and later in Aberdeen SD she joined the Army Nurse
Corps with the rank of second lieutenant. She was assigned to the 224th General Hospital Unit which left the United
States in December 1944 aboard Queen Mary. The unit was stationed in England, France and the Phillippines during which time
she was promoted to first lieutenant.
Following her military service, she held teaching positions at St. Vincent's in Billings, Langley Porter Nueropsychiatric
Clinic in san Francisco and at the University of Michigan. In Michigan, she started as an instructor for both graduate and
undergraduate psychiatric nursing programs and later became director of the graduate program and received the rank of professor.
In 1974 she returned home to teach at Montana State University and Carroll College.
Traveling with friends and reading were her main hobbies along with her love of animals ,especially cats.She was active
in professional organizations and njoyed many years as a member of the Fortnightly Book Club. She will be remembered for her
gracious, calm, and patient manner,her concern for the mentally ill, and her ability to accept major life changes.
Preceding her in death were her parents, George and Julia (Getsie) Sammick; and her sister and brother in law Lois (Halsey)
Blair. Survivors include nephews nieces and special care taker friends, Dollie Gilbert and Mary Munger of Helena.
A viewing was held at 1:30 p.m. with a funeral Mass at 2 pm Monday June 13 at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Helena. A
reception was helf at the church immediately following the Mass. Burial will take place 1 pm Tuesday June 14 at Calvary Cemetery
in Livingston. Margaret's choice for memorials are suggested to the Lewis & CLark Humane Society in Helena.