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William D. "Bill" Bauer
William D. "Bill" Bauer, 71,Of Livingston, died at Billings Clinic Sunday evening Sept. 25, 2011.
Cremation has taken place at Franzen-Davis Crematory in Livingston. Graveside commital and burial with military honora will be held at 2 p.m. Friday Sept. 30 in Mountain VIew Cemetery.
Family and friends will gather at Franzen-Davis Funeral home to proceed to the cemetery.
Bill was born Sept. 18 1940 in Missoula, the son of Walter and ALma (Ferris) Bauer. He attended Livingston schools graduating Park County High School. Following high school he went to work for Northern Pacific Railroad and later entered the National Guard. He served in the Guard for more than 20 years. On Nov. 22 1975 he married Carol M. Bellows in Livingston. They lived for a time in Burlington Iowa before returning to Livingston. Bill retired from Burlington  Northern Railroad as an electrician in the early 1990's. Carol Bauer died Mar 23, 1998.
Bill was a 45 year member and PER of Livingston Elks Lodge No. 246; PDD and PGD of Montana Elks Lodge; an Elk of the Year; and a member of the National Elks Foundation and the American Legion. He loved gardening and tinkering in his garage.
Survivors include his son Troy (Colleen) Bellows of Livingston, daughter Denise Schaeffer of Butte; brother Jack (Margie) Bauer of Livingston; sister Sandy (Darrell) Shulins of Benton City Wa; six grandchildren; three great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to his wife, he was preceded in death by his parents; a sister Betty Ross, and a son, Billy Bauer.
If so desired memorials may be directed to Elks Scholarship Fund or the American Legion Transportation Fund.
Marie C Hagen, 90, went to Heaven Dec 16 2010 at the North Valley Hospital in Whitefish with her family at her side.
Marie was born in Pensacola FL on Oct 27, 1920 to George and Martha Constantine. After graduation from Pensacola High School she worked at the Naval Air Station. On the beautiful white sands of Pensacola Beach she met a handsome Naval pilot, Art Hagan, from Great Falls. THey were married June 5 1943 and began their adventure of 67 1/2 years of marriage.
They moved back to Montana when the war ended and purchased their first ranch at McAllister in the Ennis area. Throughout the years they purchased and sold many ranches. In 1957 Marie and Art purchased the Brackett Creek Ranch in the Clyde Park area. In 1970 they sold the ranch and moved to Billings where they owned and operated Roda's Dry Cleaners until they retired in 1983.
Throughout the years Marie was a talented seamstree and sewed for her family and friends. Her daughters and granddaughters were blessed to wear her beautiful creations. In her retirement years she painted a picture for each of her children and a special one for her husband. Her artwork will be cherished forever. She was the best wife, mother and grandmother. She taught by her example with her patience. She was an inspiration to us all. We love you so much, Mom.
In 2008, Art and Marie moved to Whitefish to be close to their daughters, Connie and Jennifer.
 She is survived by her loving husband Art of Whitefish, children Connie (Ken) Gress of Whitefish, Patti (Gary) Brockel of Billings, Marsha (Dan) Kelleher of Livingston, Jennifer (Henry) Cross of Whitefish and Chuck Hagan of Homer Alaska; brother Simitri Constantine sisters Laney Johnson, Cathy Peterman and Christine Bradley, all of FLorida. Twelve grandchildren as well as 16 great grandchildren survive marie.
A funeral mass was held at St. Charles Catholic Church Dec. 20. A memorial will be held at a later date.
Jack (John W) Fowler peacefully passed away early the morning of Nov 22 2010, one month before his 86th birthday. Jack has spent the last two years under the excellent care of the Gallatin County Rest Home, where he went to sleep for the last time.
Jack was born Dec 22 1924 in Livingston. He attended his eight years of grade school at the Porcupine and Pepper schools. He was the only student in his class for all eight years. He advanced on to Wilsall High School where he played basketball, football and earned the nickname Hap for his carefree happy personality. He repaired broken telephone lines as he drove the 15 miles to and from high school.
In 1944 Jack enlisted in the Army and volunteered to be a paratrooper in the 11th Airborne. He later shipped out to the Pacific. A long boat ride later just before an assault Japan surrendered. Jacl participated in the transition effort in Japan. In May 1945 he was discharged.
In 1946 he married Rose Dorvall. Jack attended Montana State University in Bozeman. After leaving college due to family medical problems, jack and Rose ranched up on Dry Creek, northeat of Wilsall, where their son Russell was born. In 1955 he became a rural mail carrier serving the Sedan area. He also worked for Herb Bates, the Wilsall JI Case dealer. In 1956 his mail route was transferred to the Horse and COttonwood areas. Jack drove school bu for many years enjoying the many young kids he transported.
In 1958 Jack and ROse took over Rose's parents ranch on Elk Creek which he operated until 1990.
In 1984 Jack recoverd from serious rectal cancer. He retired from the mail route and farmed until 1990 when they had their farm sale.
Jack and ROse have since traveled the country, visiting all 50 US states.
They enjoyed their summers in Shields Valley and spent the winters in warm Arizona aat the Happy Trails Resort west of Phoenix. In March 2008 Jack and ROse were admitted into the Gallatin County Rest Home where he was thoughtfully cared for until his death. Rose still resides there.
Jack is survived by his wife Rose, son and saughter in law Russell and Leona, grandchildren Shane Shawn and his wife Mary, great grandchildren Wictoria, Johny, and Rosie; sister Marilou Stevens of Forest Grove OR.
Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday Nov 26 2010 at Franzen-Davis Funeral Home in Livingston. Graveside committal with military honors will follow in Wilsall Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the Wilsall Scholarship Fund.
Jacob "Bud" Kiefer, 86, passed away Aug. 12 2011 at the Livingsto Memorial Hospital. Cremation has taken place.
Bud was born May 25, 1925 to Jake and EllaKieferr in Fargo ND. He graduated from Moorhea HS in 1943 and entered the US Navy V-12 program. Bud graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. in mechanical engineering, holding the rank of ensign in 1946.
Bud married June Melvey in June 2 1948. Bud worked wit his father at Kiefer Chevrolet in Moorhead MN from 1947 through 1975.Bud and June moved to Livingston in 1977. He owned Kiefer Motors from 1977 through 1995.
Bud was a member of the American Legion and was active in the Legion Color Guard. He was a lifetime member of the Livingston Elks Lodge No. 246 and served as  a  director the Livingston Area Chamber of Commerce and prsident of the Livingston Rotary.
Bud always had a twinkle in his eye and one more joke to tell.
When he said so long, he usually asked you to "Stay inspired."
Bud was a gourmet cook and his cookies won three blue ribbons at the Park County Fair.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by his wife, June Kiefer; his three children Jay Kiefer of Livingston, Janet (Mark) Naumann of Moorhead Mn, and Dr. Jeffrey Kiefer of Nags Head NC; and 4 grandchildren.
Bud is also survived by his two brothers, Bruce (Barbara) Kiefer of Perham Mn, John (Peggy) Kiefer of Aptos Ca and his sister Janet Martin of El Cajon Ca.
THe family offers special thanks to the Livingston Health Care Hospice and  their caring staff and Dr. Scofield and Dr Lee for their excellent care.
Memorial services will be hld Friday Sept 16 at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Livingston at 11 a.m. Following the memorial refreshments will be served at the Livingston Elks Lodge.
Kenneth Sigvald Hanson, 75, was born April 30 1935. He lost his battle with cancer on Dec 11 2010, surrounded by his family at Seeds of Love.
Ken was born in Livingston to Sigvald and Nora(Gunderson) Hanson. He was raised in Livingston and graduted from Park County HS in 1953. After graduating he went on to college  to get a degree in architecture but decided to join the Marine Corps and headed to Korea. He always said the Marine Corps saved his life.
On July 9 1960 he married Lovie Ann Koch at the American Lutheran Church in Livingston. THey had three children, Alan (Debbie), David and Lorene(Russ) Bailey.
Ken worked for a short time with the Livingston Police Dept. as a patrolman then joined his dad in the construction business with Hanson and Hartman construction. In 1960 he joined the Livingston Volunteer Fire Dept.  then taking charge of the newly reorganized Park County Rural Fire District in 1975 and becoming its chief. He also worked with Lowry Funeral Home as an ambulance attendant. Ken went to work for the Park County Sheriff's office as a deputy after the construction industry went bust in the late 1970's. Ken and Lovie purchased the local private ambulance  service operating Community Lifeline Ambulance until 1984. He then worked for the National Park Service in Yellowstone as a fire inspector and was crew boss during the 1988 fire season. Ken then went to work for Aldrich lumber in Livingston and went with the building when the business was changed to Kenyon Noble. He retired from Kenyon Noble in July of this year due to hi illness. Ken reired from his position of Fire Chief in 1996 and then became a member of the Board of Directors for Park County Rural Fire District No 1 becoming its chairman. He retired from that position in 2006.
Ken was a lielong member of  the Aerican Lutheran Church a dedicated member of the Lions CLub and the Livingston Model Railroad.
In 1980 he was voted Man of the Year by the Livingston Enterprise.
Besides his love of his family he had three passions; the Marine,  trains and model railroading, and fire and emergency services.
Ken was preceded in death by his parents, his brother William Norman and his sister Gertrude Amann, two brothers in law Bob Bennett and Paul Aman of California.  He is survived by his wife Lovie, sister Agnes Bennett of Turlck Ca, three children, four granchildren, brother in law Bill Koch and David (Sharon) Koch. He also leaves two special aunts and an uncle Lois Lee of Billings Dixie (Bill) Stein of Fromberg and Ernie Firmature of Omaha Neb. Also surviving ar several nieces and nephews and very special friends from the fire station, train club, and the Marines.
Lowry Funeral Home of Big Timber isin charge of arrangements. Cremation has taken place and a celebration of life will be held Thursday Dec 30 at the Park County Fairgrounds starting at 1:30 p.m. Military and fire service honors will be observed. His ashes will be scattered at sea in the Pacfic by the US Navy.
The greatest memorial would be to support our men and women in uniform serving in the Armed Forces. He admired the Marines Toys for Tots and their relief organization. Or support for your local fire, emergency medical services and law enforcement, with special recognition f Park County Rural Fire Cadet program. He also would want us to support the American Luthern Church in Livingston and Livingston Health Care Hospice.
And finally, "play with your trains."
Marguerite Commings, 100, of Livingston, died at Livingston Memorial Hospital Tuesday morning Aug 10 2010. Cremation has taken place at Franzen-Davis Crematory. Graveside committal and burial will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday Sept. 11 at Mountain View Cemetery with Rev. Fred Amborn III of Grace Unitrf Methodist Church officiating. Family and friends are asked to gather at Franzen-Davis Funeral Home to proceed to the cemetery.
Marguerite was born Mar 21 1910 in River Falls Wi, the daughter of Guy and Charlotte (Orrison) Drake. When she was 2 years old she movedwith her family to Butte and later to the Madison Valley where the family homesteaded. After about six years they moved to the Flathead Lake area. Marguerite graduated from St. Ignatius HS in 1930 and in1934 she received her Teachers Certificate from Western Montana College in Dillon. She move to Livingston and began teaching in rural Park County schools, including Muir, Upper Mission, Beaver Creek, Richland, Mill Creek, Flat (Aarowhead) , Haymond and Deep Creek. On Dec 24 1937 she married Charles "Phil" Commings in Butte. He preceded her in death on April 25 1978. Marguerite recived a bachelor's degree in education from Montana State University in 1967 and continued teaching in Livingston and Park County schools including West Side, Washington, and Winans. In 1973 she celebrate her retirementnafter 30 years of teaching.
Marguerite traveled extensively and had visited Canada and every state in the United States except Hawaii. She loved to go exploring and was an avid reader, especially stories about Montana history and murder mysteries. She was a member of Grace United Methodist Church; Orient Chapter #6 Order of Eastern Star; Park County Historical Society, Senior Citizens of Park County, Park County Pioneer Society, Retired Teachers Association, Livingston Blind Club, and was a former member of Delta Kappa Gamma; Yellowstone Gem and Mineral Society, and the Livingston Rock Club.
Survivors include her son Gary Comming of Kansas City Mo, two brothers Harry Drake and Arthur Drake, 2 granddaughters, a great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, three brothers and three sisters.
If so desired memorials may bedirected to Livingston Senior Center or the Livingston-Park COunty Public Library. 
Arlyn Ray Creek, 29, beloved son of Ellen Stecher and Donald and Coral Creek, was born Jan 10 1981. He died Wednesday Aug 25 2010. Arlyn was an underground miner for the East Boulder branch of the Stillwater Mining Company. Arlyn was an avid hunter and outdoorsman. Arlyn spent his last days doing what he loved most- sky diving.
Arlyn loved, and is loved by his brother Nathan Lee Creek, and siblings Lisa WenDell and William Harvey; his uncles Lloyd Creek Jr. and Greg (Tammi) Creek; his granny Shirley Creek and grandpa Lloyd (Irene) Creek; and Pat and Mary Leeds, JoAnne and Keith Masbough, Leanore and Ron Bough, Rose and Kevin Gallager, and the many others that crossed his pat.
Arlyn's life will be celebrated Tuesday Aug. 31 at 4 p.m. at the Gardiner HS in Gardiner.
Memorials on Arlyn's behalf may be made to the Make a Wish Foundation. Donationsto Make a Wish Foundation will be helping a 15 year old girl from Livingston with her wish.
Steve A Hensley, 49, of Livingston, died at his home, Saturday afternoon Aug 21 2010. Cremation has taken place at Franzen-Davis Crematory. Private service were held by his family.
Steve was born Feb. 6 1961, to Frank and Roberta (Tierney) Hensley in Castro Valley Ca. On July 16 1983 he married Dana Nartinez in Berkley Ca. She preceded hm in death on June 11 2000. Steve enjoyed hunting and exploring and loved being outdoors in Montana.
Steve is survived by his parents Frank Hensley of Stockton Ca and Roberta Hensley of Rodea Ca; and two daughters Jennifer andStacey Hensley, both of Livingston. Also surviving are two brothers, Mike Hensley of Coos Bay Or and Damon Martinez of Napa Ca. one sister Jacquelyn Hensley of Rodeo Ca and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Chris and Mark.
Steve will be remembered as a kind, loving and devoted father to his daughters and a loving and loyal son and brother. If desired memorial donations may bedirected to Counterpoint.
Joyce E Mosback,86, was born Aug 22 1924 in Melbourne Australia. She died Aug 22 2010 in Bozeman.
A memorial service was held Thursday Aug 26 at American Lutheran Church in Livingston, with Rev. Steven Paugh Leuzinger officiating. Scripture reading was provided by Rev. Ron Johnstad. Recorded music selections included "Higher Gound" and "You Raise Me Up". The organist was Bonnie Wartman, vocalist Rev. Ron Johnstad sang The Lord's Prayer. Pallbearers were Preston Mork, Chris Mork, Christy Meyers, Scott O'Neil, Mitch allison and Kathi Ross.
Interment took place at Mountain View Cemtery in Livingston. Franzen-Davis Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Lucile Durgan,88, was born June 27 1922 in Clyde Park. She died Aug. 22 2010 in Livingston.
A funeral service was held Friday Aug 27 at First Baptist Church in Livingston. Officiatin were Rev. Harlan Durgan, Dr. Shadoan Durgan and Larry Durgan. The vocalist was Lonnie Howell, with accompaniment by Lou Ann Skattum. Pallbearers were Shadoan Durgan Luke Jergenson, Randy Petrich, Dan Durgan, Lonnie Howell and Ron Howell. Honorary pallbearers were Steve Weiner, Mark Mathewson and Patrick Mullen.
Interment took place at Shorthill Cemetery south of Livingston. Franzen-Davis Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Thelma Swandal King, 89, of Cut Bank, passed away on Sunday Aug. 15, 2010 at Benefis Hospital in Great Falls.
Cremation has taken place and memorial services will be held at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Cut Bank at a date to be deermined. Whitted Funeral Chapel is in charge or arrangements.
She was born on Nv. 18, 1920 in Wilsall to Nels and Thora (Vinningland) Swandal. She grew up there until graduating from high school. She attended and graduated from Eastern Montana College in Billings with adegree in education. It was there she met and later married her husband John King. After John was discharged from the US Army AIr Corps, they settld in Wilsall and purchased a grocery store.
Teaching was always in their blood, so in 1956 they moved to a two room school at Croff Wren, north of Cut Bank. Thelma taught grades one through four and John five through eight for three wonderful years. In 195 they both accepted teaching positiions in Cut Bank. Both retired from teaching in 1984 after 25 years. While teaching they purchased a summer motel, Jaconseon's Cottages in East Glacier Park, which they owned and operated for over 40 years before selling the business to their daughter, Suzanne and her husband Jeff.
Thelma was a perfect lady- full of life, love and honesty. She loved being around her many friends. One of the biggest and important joys of her life was her grandchildren. She thought of temas hers rather than belnging to their own parents.
Thelma was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Sons of Norway, PEO, Delta Kappa Gamma and numerous other clubs. She will be missed by all who knew her.
Survivors include her son Jon (Diane) King of san Antonio Tx, and daughter Suzanne (Jeff) Anderson of Cut Bank. ALso surviving Thelma are her grandchildren, sisters Nordy Lennemann of Wilsall, June Miller of Wilsall, Irene Payne of Missoula and Violet Parker of Missoula. Also surviving are 5 great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
Thelma was preceded in death by her parents; husband John; daughter Joye; sister Margaret; brothers Austin and herbert; and infant great grandson Caden Pewonka.
Memorials may be sent to St Paul's Lutheran Church, the Glacier Community Health Center ot to the donor's choice.
Eugene "Gene" Black, 87, a loving and loyal son, husband, father,grandfather, uncle and friend, passed away peacefully on Sunday Aug. 8 2010 in Bozeman. He was born on April 1 1923 at the Beer Mug Ranch in Difficulty Wy to William and Hertha(Wendelburg) Black. He spent his childhood and school years in Blackwell, OK.
During his first semester if college at Okalhoma Agricultural and Mechanical, he joined the USAir FOrce and became a pilot. During World War II , he was an instructor on the Douglas A26 Invader. In 1945 he was hired to fly for Western Airlines, which merged with Delta Airlines in 1987. Captain Black retired in 1988 after 42 years as a highly respected commercial airline pilot. During his first year with Western Airlines, he met a lovely stewardess, Eri Bea Brady, who became his wife of almost 63 years. After the birth of their two daughters in Denver, e was recalled by the Air Force for te Korean War and flew 52 missions as a squadron commnder on the Martin B26 Marauder bombr, receiving multiple honors and medals including the Distinguished Flying Cross. After the war and during the rest of his piloting career, he lived with his family in Denver. Corona del mar, Honolulu and Bozeman, spending many summers in West Yellwostone.
Gene was a country boy and outdoorsman at heart. He was an Eagle Scout. He loved farming and ranching, fishing, bird hunting, gardening, golfing, skiing and glider flying. He enjoyed playing bridge and poker, racquetball and tennis. He was a great all around handyman and mechanic and especially took pleasure and pride in his yard work. He loved his wife and family, friends and faithful dogs. Gene was a mmber of Kiwanas, Riverside Country Club since 1982, and belonged to the Elks for 34years. He shared his love for flying and worldwide travel with his family and close friends. Gene was a true gentleman, respected and loved for his honesty, kindnes, generosity, helpfullness, sense of humor and strength of caracter. He will be remembered and missed by many.
Gene was preceded in death by his parents. He is survived by his wife Bea of Bozeman; daughters Bonnie(Phil) Maurer of Wilsall; Vickie (Larry) Minkoff of Bozeman and four grandchildren.
Special thanks to the stff at Cottonwood Case management, Hospice of Southwest Montana, Highgate and Spring Creek Memory Care.
Memorial services will be held at Dokken-Nelson Sunset Chapel on Sunday Aug. 22 at 2 p.m. A celebration of Gene's life will immediately follow the services. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer's Research Foundation or Bozeman Deaconess Foundation for Hospice of Southwest Montana.
Donald Lee Flatt, 67, born Oct. 2 1943 in Livingston, died Sept. 19 in Billings. Cremation has taken place.
A memorial Mass was held at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Livingston Oct. 6 at 11 a.m. Rev. Wayne Pittard officiated.
Music was provided by Scott and Mary Whiting, bassist John Morford and The Ringling 5.
Pallbearers were Cole Kerkaert, Ashley Kerkaert, Kylie Kerkaert, Lauren Flatt, Dylan Flatt and Cole Flatt. Arrangements were under the direction of Franzen-Davis Funeral Home.
Rosella Catheine Corsmeir, 101, died Nov. 20, 2010 in Livingston. She was born April 3, 1909 in St. Bernard, Ohio. A Rosary was held Tuesday Nov. 23 at 6 p.m. at Franzn-Davis Funeral Home Chapel in Livingston.
Mass of Christian Burial was held Wednesday Nov 24, at 11 a.m. at St. Mary's catholic Church in Livingston, with Rev. Wayne Pittard officiating.
Music was provided by cantor Diana McKinlay with accompanist Edie Linneweber.
Casket bearers were Chris Blueher, Jean Blueher, Tanner Ellis, Michael Cabak, Don Ellis and Toby Undem.
Iterment took place at Calvary Cemetery in Livingston.
Arrangements were under the direction of Franzen-Davis Funeral Home.
Emmett I. Haugen, 91, of Livingston and formerly of Oakes ND and Mesa Az passed away Monday afternoon Dec 6 2010 at Evergreen Livingston Health & Rehab Center in Livingston. Cremation has taken plae at Franzen-Davis Crematory in Livingston. Services will be Saturday Jan 8 2011 at St Peter Lutheran Church  in Mesa. Graveside committal and burial will be at a later date in Oakes View Cemetery in Oakes ND,
Emmett was born Nov. 3 1919 in Elbow Lake, MN the son ofNorwegian parents Iver and Emma (Laastuen) Haugen. He was raised and attended school in rural Grant County and graduated from Elbow Lake HS. Following his graduation he enrolled at Iowa Stte University and in November of 1942 he joined the US Marine Corps, serving four years. He had the privilege of playing with the US Marine Band and singing with the Dick jergens All Marine Show throughout the South Pacifi. Upon receiving his honorable discharge, Emmett enrolled as a student in the St Louis College of Mortuary Science in St Louis. He graduated in June of 1947. On June 21 1947 he was united in marriage to Lorraine Pederson in Fergus Falls Mn. THey made their home in Oakes where they were in the furniture and funeral business for 40 years. THe couple continued to live in Oakes following their retirement, spending winter months in Mesa.
Emmett's life in Oakes and Mesa continuedto include a  passion for church, music, family and friends. He served 40 years with the NorthDakota State Legion Band, marching at 12 national conventions and playing at the Viet Nam and Korean War Memorial dedications in Washington DC. He directed and sang in Grace Lutheran Church in Oakes St Peter Lutheran Church in Mesa, Oakes Ambassadors of Song, and Sunland Songsters vocal organizations.
He was amember of Grace Lutheran and St Peter Lutheran churches, the Lions Club, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Oakes Masonic Lodge, North Dakota State Legion Band, American Legion, Sons of Norway and the North Dakota Funeral Directors Association.
Survivors include his daughter jane Haugen of Livingston, son Richard Haugen of Salt Lake City, brothers in law Don Baldwin of Sun Lakes AZ Ralph Larson of MN and Russ Tall of MN; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents;wife Lorraine; and sisters Florence Tall, Alberta Larson amd Idella Lundeen.
If so desired memorials may be directed to the charity of the donor's choice.
Services were held Thursday July 14, 2011, for William A Petersen, 82, who died July 10, 2011 in Livingston. THe Rev. Glenn Woodson of Holbrook United Methodist Church officiated at te service, held at the Franzen_Davis Funeral Home.
Music was provided by vocalist Bob Meyer, accompanied by Sister Dominic Long.
Casket bearers were Lne Heinz, Saige Petersen, Mark Petersen, Glen Crosby, Ed Clrk and Jack Bristol.
Interment took place at Mountain View Cemetery in Livingston.
Masonic ritualistic services were performed by members of Livingston Lodge No 32 AF & AM.
Military honors were accorded by members of Park Post No 23, Maerican Legion under Commander Bob Skillman; Honor Guard Fred Shellenberg, Davis Cossey, Jim Held, David Palmer, Tom Gilbert, Bob Visscher and Chris Strum; Coor Guard Alvin Nelson, Delbert Hudson, Dick Perry and John West; and Bugler Norbert Herauf.
Graveside committal services for Andrew B "Andy" Parker, 90, of Show Low AZ and former Park County resident will be held at 1 p.m. Friday June 24 2011 at Mountain View Cemetery in Livigston.
Rev. Steven Paugh Leuzinger of Redeemer Lutheran Church will officiate and military honors will be accorded at graveside by members of Park Posr 23, American Legion. Arrangements are under the direction of Franzen-Davis Funeral Home in Livingston. Family and friends will gather at the funeral home prior to proceed to the cemetery at 12:45 p.m.
Mr Parker died in Payson Az on April 24 2010 and cremation took place in Arizona.